Hasil Pencarian (6)
Strategi Ultra-Pendek
Edukasi Forex
Ini adalah strategi sempurna bagi pemula yang dapat dengan cepat membawa mereka sangat hancur. Godaan fluktuasi jangka pendek sebanyak beberapa pips dapat mengakibatkan trader menangkap dari 1 sampai 5 pips. Setelah beberapa berhasil kali,...
Volume Trading
Edukasi Forex
Volume operasi trading adalah jumlah lot yang dikalikan dengan ukuran lot.
Riwayat akun ditampilkan
Pertanyaan teknis
Untuk melihat riwayat trading Anda, klik kanan tab "Riwayat Akun" dan pilih "Semua riwayat" di menu drop down
Transaksi Arbitrase Konversi
Edukasi Forex
Operasi Arbitrase Konversi adalah transaksi pembelian/penjualan dengan mata uang atau CFD antara perusahaan dan klien, yang menyiratkan pembentukan setidaknya dua trading beli/jual yang berlawanan dengan volume yang sama.
Bisakah saya memilih currency pair dan besarnya skala yang ingin disalin?
Layanan Perusahaan
Ya. Anda dapat memilih untuk menyalin seluruh currency pair atau beberapa simbol yang diinginkan saja. Selain itu, Anda bisa mengatur besarnya skala volume dari transaksi yang Anda salin.
Kompetisi telah selesai namun posisi saya masih terbuka. Bagaimana saya menyelesaikan masalah ini?
Kontes dan kampanye InstaForex
Seluruh trading ditutup pada harga pasar terakhir selama akhir pekan.
Hasil pencarian untuk pencarian bahasa Inggris (48)
Leverage is the ratio between the amount of the margin and the borrowed funds allocated for it: 1:100, 1:200, 1:500. The leverage of 1:100 means that a trader is required to have an amount in the trading acount which is 100 times less than...
Types of strategies
Williams' Alligator technical indicator is a combination of three Balance Lines (Moving Averages):The three moving averages comprise the Jaw, Teeth, and Lips of the Alligator:Jaw (blue line) – a 13-period smoothed moving average built at th...
Types of strategies
Money Management is a set of rules and specific techniques used for minimizing the risks and maximizing profit.The risk is a maximum amount of assets that will be lost until a decision about closing of an unprofitable position is made. Thus...
Hedging is the parctice of protecting client's funds from unfavorable price fluctuations by opening a position in a contrary or opposing market. Hedging: ensures protection from possible losses by the time of forward deal settlement; provid...
Types of strategies
Locking is a type of a hedging strategy aimed at minimizing risks associated with changes in markets behaviour. The difference between hedging and locking is that hedging is used for different trading instruments, while locking is used for...
Types of strategies
Automated trading is the final step on the path of becoming a trader. If a trader is able not only to create his own trading strategy, but also to code it properly and make it workable, then his/her financial independence is guaranteed.What...
Partnership program
InstaForex affiliate program is a riskless method of making a profit with InstaForex. Forex brokers earn on spreads their clients pay to open trades. You can earn the part of the broker's profit if you become an affiliate and start attracti...
Technical analysis
The Dow theory is a theory describing the stocks prices behavior with time. The theory is based on a series of publications by Charles H. Dow (1851-1902), an American journalist, the first editor of 'The Wall Street Journal' and one of the...
Types of strategies
The average daily trading strategy consists of certain steps, including analysis, setting certain targets, placing orders, and executing a deal. The main idea of such a strategy is that the trade depends on the analysis that you have carrie...
Technical analysis
The price is not the only weighty factor to be considered while analyzing Forex market. Besides the currency exchange rate, its trading volume plays an important role, too.There is the postulate of the Dow Theory that tells that the trend m...