Search results (2)
Pendidikan forex
Indeks, atau indeks saham, adalah indikator komposit harga aset milik kumpulan tertentu (sekuriti, komoditi, derivatif), yang disebut saham pukal.Sebagai peraturan, pembacaan indeks tidak begitu penting dengan perubahan indeks seiring berja...
Bab 17 Bursa saham dan indeks saham
Pendidikan forex
Bursa saham dan indeks saham Walaupun bahagian ini dikhaskan untuk pendidikan Forex, kami juga akan menyentuh mengenai bursa saham dan indeks saham dalam bab ini. Sekali imbas, topik ini tidak kelihatan berkait dengan Forex, tetapi seb...
Search results for English search (3)
Technical analysis
The Dow theory is a theory describing the stocks prices behavior with time. The theory is based on a series of publications by Charles H. Dow (1851-1902), an American journalist, the first editor of 'The Wall Street Journal' and one of the...
Index, or a stock index, is a composite indicator of prices of assets belonging to a particular group (securities, commodities, derivatives), a so-called stock basket.As a rule, the readings of indices are not as important as the index chan...
Forex education
Even though this section is devoted to forex education, we will also touch on the stock exchanges and stock indices. At first glance, it seems that the chapter is not related to Forex, but, in fact, it is. Currency rates are interrelated wi...